Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A Word To Those Who Deny The Apostle Paul

The Apostle Peter in his second Epistle states that Paul is a “beloved brother” and that Paul’s writings are “Scripture.” Paul writes in I Timothy that “All Scripture is God inspired”: so why do you deny Scripture in proving a point? The foundation to any Gospel heresy is always rooted in the denial of Scripture. You claim that Paul’s message was different than Christ’s; however, Christ taught that the foundation of all things is Love; and likewise, Paul taught the same thing (I Cor. 13). Christ also taught us to deny and humble ourselves; and likewise, Paul taught the very same thing (Rom. 6; Eph. 4). There are many other likenesses, which speak of the very same message; however, your willingness to believe historical propaganda prevents you from seeing this.

Paul never denies Jesus Christ; in every way Paul esteems and glorifies Jesus our Lord. Paul never states that it is from him that he proclaims the Gospel, but consistently declares that it is only through Christ Jesus he declares the Gospel. The problem is that you biasness blinds your eyes to the truth in seeing Paul’s message in application to what Christ taught. Paul’s message of the Gospel was no different than the other apostles; however, the fact is--Paul’s words do not fit your religious rhetoric; so you must deny him to justify yourself.

Those of us who believe that Paul was divinely inspirited through Christ Jesus are not slaves to his words, as you imply. Paul's words are an inspired account of a man faithfully and lovingly following Christ's words, which is really why we trust Paul to begin with; because we see in his writing the requirements of the Gospel of Christ being lived out in the first century. Paul is no longer among us, but his words are still more powerful than any one of us, and they have influenced and continue to influence more people towards following Christ, in a positive way, than ours are ever likely to.

I know that through faith in Christ--works and word--that we find eternal life, and not through faith in Paul. Paul is a solid witness-a humble servant inspired by God's Spirit. However, it is Christ who preached freedom, the freedom we are all holding to, and it was Christ who preached life, love, mercy, and so many things that have enlightened our hearts and minds.

Whoever hears the word of Christ and believes Him who sent Him has eternal life. He does not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life, for the law and the prophets were until John, but whoever keeps Christ's word shall never taste death, and his word is not burdensome. I assure you that should you judge according to every jot and tittle, you shall be judged according to every jot and tittle yourself, for with the measure you use, it shall be measured to you--with extreme solemnity.

You deny Paul’s words and claim he is a “False Teacher”; but I am sure that many of you, like a lot of us, were lead by the Holy Spirit to the salvation of Christ through the very inspired words of Paul that you now deny--his words were good enough then, why aren’t they now. To deny Paul as an apostle of Christ Jesus is claiming Jesus a liar--the truth hurts, but it can also heal; so please, come back to the truth and stop denying our “beloved brother” Paul whose faithfulness to the Gospel lead multitudes to seek Christ Jesus.

**I want to thank my good friend and dear brother in Christ J.L. McKinney for his additional writing contribution in putting this blog post together.